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John's other passion, besides fixing cars (and tractors) was small aircraft. One of his longtime dreams had been learning about airplanes, and learning to fly. He did take several aircraft mechanics classes over the years, but his dream came true when a customer with a Jaguar "E" type that needed an overhaul made him a offer: You overhaul the Jag, and I'll teach you to fly. Nick DerVartenian ran a small flying school at Ontario International Airport, and John began flying. He bought a Cessna 172, and got his licence under the instruction of Francis Drake at Rialto Miro Field. I think he enjoyed fussing with airplanes and shopping for airplanes almost as much as flying. Over the years we had, as sucessors to the 172, a Cessna 182, a Piper Cherokee, and another Cessna 182. Our younger son David, who was nearly born in the Cessna (we had a date to go flying with another couple one weekend when we went to the hospital instead), became the mascot of the group of pilots who hung around Drake Aviation at Rialto, and also the local Civil Air Patrol squadron.
Dave wrote an article about flying with his dad for the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association online magazine, whose circulation is restricted to AOPA members. (Dave renewed his dad's membership and retained his dad's ID number.) It was picked up and reprinted by a total stranger, who was obviously touched by the story. (It was dramatized and compressed a bit in the writing and editing.) and is available at:
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