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We all know about the three main fluids that cars run on: fuel, oil, water (except for aircooled cars). But how often do we think about the other fluids used in the car? (Usually not unless something important fails.)
Brake Fluid
The most important is brake fluid. Most European and Japanese cars require DOT4 brake fluid. We have found that many of the common DOT3 fluids are not compatible with the natural rubber seals used in most of these cars. If your brake fluid turns black or has black specks in it, this indicates that the rubber is being dissolved or damaged. The softer natural rubber seals perform better than the common domestic synthetic seals, but they are more vulnerable to chemical attack. See Brake Fluids for excerpts from a Castrol technical bulletin (undated, but still good information) on brake fluids, and our recommendations.
Power Steering Fluid
This is not always what it seems. Most American cars use something that is sold as "Power Steering Fluid." This has rarely been used in imported cars. Most imports have traditionally used Automatic Trans Fluid in their power steering. Many of the newer European cars are now using hydraulic power systems that require HSMO fluids (see HSMO, above). Mercedes-
Transmission Fluids:
Transmission fluids seem fairly simple-