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Hillman (and Rootes Group) Resources
Information and resources about Hillmans and related models
NEW! The "Series" Minx models
Volkswagen Resources
Volkswagen related news, books and web resources -
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All kinds of car info, including import car links
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Shop Equipment, Lifts, etc
Equipment and links to other auto sites
Import car folks are invited to exchange links-
All links included here were good at time of posting. All information was supplied by the linked source, and we take no responsibility for them or for any information included. If you find a link broken or not available, please let us know. Thanks!
All information here is offered as suggestions only; the final decision as to any car repair is that of the installer and/or the owner of the vehicle. This information is the result of our own best research and experience, but we make no guarantees or warranties of any kind as to its applicability to any specific situation.